WSLO2: Wister Lake

Data processed at Tue 07Feb2023 05:56 GMT

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SHEF ID:       WSLO2     Wister Lake
Flood Pool:  Bottom =   478.00, Top =   502.50

                   in        ft     ac-ft        ft       cfs       cfs         F       deg       mph         %      W/m2      volt      volt
              Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev  Rev-Regi  Rev-Regi   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev
02/06 00:00      0.00    480.15     66506    404.64      1179      2313     51.42     95.90      4.50     86.76      0.00     13.23     12.85
02/06 01:00      0.00    480.13     66350    404.64      1179      2312     52.88     28.40      3.10     86.76      0.00     13.24     12.86
02/06 02:00      0.00    480.12     66272    404.63      1360      2312     51.94     14.20      1.60     88.53      0.00     13.23     12.86
02/06 03:00      0.00    480.11     66194    404.65       980      2311     50.16     81.10      3.10     91.52      0.00     13.23     12.86
02/06 04:00      0.00    480.10     66116    404.65      1161      2311     47.03     76.40      3.70     98.89      0.00     13.18     12.86
02/06 05:00      0.00    480.08     65960    404.66       970      2311     52.47     52.00      2.10     94.59      0.00     13.20     12.86
02/06 06:00      0.00    480.07     65882    404.65       962      2310     56.21    105.60      5.00     89.79      0.00     13.19     12.86
02/06 07:00      0.00    480.05     65726    404.65       778      2309     61.81    162.30      8.60     79.84      0.00     13.21     12.86
02/06 08:00      0.00    480.04     65648    404.64      1145      2309     62.02    156.50      4.30     82.15      7.80     13.24     12.86
02/06 09:00      0.00    480.02     65492    404.65      1329      2308     63.90    160.30      4.50     82.01    115.50     13.21     12.86
02/06 10:00      0.00    480.02     65492    404.64      1247      2308     66.09    168.50      8.20     76.60    270.50     13.23     12.85
02/06 11:00      0.00    480.02     65492    404.64      1256      2308     66.52    179.10      8.70     73.34    428.70     13.19     12.86
02/06 12:00      0.00    479.99     65261    404.64      1436      2307     67.15    183.80      7.80     73.84    628.90     13.19     12.86
02/06 13:00      0.00    479.98     65187    404.64      1075      2306     66.13    177.90      9.20     79.35    413.50     13.22     12.86
02/06 14:00      0.00    479.97     65113    404.64      1186      2306     66.29    181.90      9.50     79.15    231.70     13.19     12.86
02/06 15:00      0.00    479.95     64965    404.64      1275      2305     67.41    181.30     10.90     74.53    145.00     13.19     12.86
02/06 16:00      0.00    479.96     65039    404.64      1011      2305     68.23    180.80     11.70     72.70    148.40     13.24     12.86
02/06 17:00      0.00    479.94     64891    404.64       760      2305     68.41    182.70     11.30     73.09     98.30     13.24     12.86
02/06 18:00      0.00    479.90     64594    404.64       916      2304     68.20    184.20      9.20     74.65     19.30     13.24     12.85
02/06 19:00      0.00    479.89     64520    404.64       608      2303     67.68    181.30      7.20     77.31      0.00     13.20     12.85
02/06 20:00      0.00    479.88     64446    404.62       519      2302     67.89    183.40      8.20     75.45      0.00     13.23     12.86
02/06 21:00      0.00    479.87     64372    404.64       508      2302     68.49    179.60      8.80     72.15      0.00     13.23     12.85
02/06 22:00      0.00    479.84     64149    404.62       498      2301     68.13    179.40      7.50     72.51      0.00     13.18     12.85
02/06 23:00      0.00    479.81     63927    404.62       252      2300     67.64    182.00      5.30     74.03      0.00     13.24     12.85