PENO2: Grand Lake O' The Cherokees, Pensacola Dm

Data processed at Sat 02Jul2022 04:42

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SHEF ID:       PENO2     Pensacola (Grand Lake)
Flood Pool:  Bottom =   744.00, Top =   755.00

                   in        ft     ac-ft       cfs       cfs         F       deg       mph         %      W/m2      volt      volt
              Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev  Rev-Regi  Rev-Regi   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev
07/01 00:00      0.00    744.32   1407114     11668     11380     79.65    147.32      0.84     67.03      0.00     13.48     12.89
07/01 01:00      0.00    744.36   1408893     10328       322     79.02    163.99      1.40     68.23      0.00     13.48     12.89
07/01 02:00      0.00    744.35   1408448      9941       320     78.51    166.15      1.39     69.84      0.00     13.47     12.89
07/01 03:00      0.00    744.35   1408448      9445       322     77.81    150.75      1.85     71.88      0.00     13.50     12.97
07/01 04:00      0.00    744.37   1409337      7356       322     77.13    145.33      1.52     75.31      0.00     14.06     13.21
07/01 05:00      0.00    744.38   1409782      8408       321     75.07    151.85      0.38     82.80      0.00     12.81     12.73
07/01 06:00      0.00    744.42   1411560      8347       320     74.08    145.14      0.32     86.78      0.00     12.75     12.49
07/01 07:00      0.00    744.43   1412005      6254       325     73.58    141.42      0.45     89.13     21.75     12.72     12.49
07/01 08:00      0.00    744.48   1414228     11503     11048     75.69    161.37      0.51     85.34    136.04     12.72     12.41
07/01 09:00      0.00    744.40   1410671      7755     12752     79.61    173.65      1.72     79.26    326.77     12.72     12.41
07/01 10:00      0.00    744.44   1412450      9124     12741     83.01    170.07      3.83     72.47    492.96     12.72     12.41
07/01 11:00      0.00    744.42   1411560      9501     12735     85.59    177.56      3.08     67.62    633.34     12.73     12.41
07/01 12:00      0.00    744.42   1411560     13969     12743     87.78    202.41      2.95     61.49    721.45     12.73     12.41
07/01 13:00      0.00    744.40   1410671      7643     12740     88.83    251.33      4.07     56.93    799.12     12.73     12.41
07/01 14:00      0.00    744.42   1411560     10713     12740     90.00    263.66      1.73     54.51    584.79     12.73     12.41
07/01 15:00      0.00    744.39   1410227      9716     12753     90.99      9.10      1.58     51.84    555.82     12.73     12.41
07/01 16:00      0.00    744.40   1410671     11833     12766     91.96     36.68      1.50     50.83    537.98     12.73     12.41
07/01 17:00      0.00    744.39   1410227      8802     12762     92.98    349.61      1.12     48.06    567.58     12.73     12.41
07/01 18:00      0.00    744.39   1410227      9190     12733     93.94     69.67      1.17     43.70    427.18     12.72     12.41
07/01 19:00      0.00    744.38   1409782      8236     12743     93.78    127.14      1.17     42.86    262.54     12.72     12.41
07/01 20:00      0.00    744.36   1408893      9305     12756     93.25    132.16      0.65     45.68    105.72     12.72     12.41
07/01 21:00      0.00    744.36   1408893      9304     12755     87.71    142.83      0.99     60.70      4.44     12.71     12.41
07/01 22:00      0.00    744.36   1408893     10360     12755     83.89    144.72      0.85     72.81      0.00     12.70     12.41
07/01 23:00      0.00    744.35   1408448      ----      ----     81.95    128.66      0.36     78.23      0.00     12.69     12.41