KERO2: Robert S. Kerr Lock & Dam & Reservoir (L&D 15)
Data processed at Thu 06Oct2022 04:30 GMT
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- DTYO2 : Dirty Creek
- GORO2 : Illinois River, Gore, OK
- SSBO2 : Sab Bois Creek S of Stigler Ok
- WBFO2 : Below Webbers nr Gore
- WHTO2 : S Canadian Riv, Whitefield, OK
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SHEF ID: KERO2 RS Kerr LD15 STATION TYPE: NAVIGATION LOCK Navigation Pool: Bottom = 458.00, Top = 460.00 PRECIP ELEVATION STORAGE TW-ELEV INFLOW RELEASE AIR-TEMP WIND-DIRWIND-SPEED REL-HUMID SOLAR-RAD VOLTAGE BAT-LOAD in ft ac-ft ft cfs cfs F deg mph % W/m2 volt volt Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Rev-Regi Rev-Regi Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev (US/Central) 10/05 00:00 0.00 459.93 522673 412.08 2445 0 61.97 25.20 2.69 71.86 0.00 13.39 13.00 10/05 01:00 0.00 459.93 522673 412.00 2445 0 61.56 27.40 2.47 73.02 0.00 13.39 13.00 10/05 02:00 0.00 459.92 522242 411.94 4666 0 61.11 26.70 2.63 76.63 1.00 13.39 13.00 10/05 03:00 0.00 459.93 522673 412.05 3061 0 62.10 39.10 2.28 70.52 0.00 13.39 13.00 10/05 04:00 0.00 459.97 524397 411.91 4982 0 61.77 40.20 1.78 69.06 0.00 13.42 13.00 10/05 05:00 0.00 459.97 524397 412.00 4982 0 60.78 34.60 2.10 69.36 0.00 13.38 13.00 10/05 06:00 0.00 459.90 521380 412.13 4982 7500 60.12 35.90 1.56 70.03 0.00 13.38 13.00 10/05 07:00 0.00 460.01 526141 412.36 1920 0 59.36 40.20 1.23 72.30 0.00 13.38 13.00 10/05 08:00 0.00 459.97 524397 411.86 2014 0 60.26 137.30 0.32 72.19 21.00 13.38 13.00 10/05 09:00 0.00 459.96 523966 412.52 188 0 62.33 49.80 3.87 67.42 181.00 13.41 13.00 10/05 10:00 0.00 459.98 524828 412.25 2635 6500 66.18 48.00 3.98 59.11 406.00 13.38 13.00 10/05 11:00 0.00 459.95 523535 412.66 2635 6500 71.24 42.40 4.13 51.11 624.00 13.38 13.00 10/05 12:00 0.00 459.97 524397 412.70 2635 14250 77.70 22.90 1.21 42.74 773.00 13.39 13.00 10/05 13:00 0.00 459.93 522673 412.95 2542 14600 79.79 250.90 4.05 39.81 861.00 13.39 13.00 10/05 14:00 0.00 459.94 523104 412.59 5777 14400 81.45 205.30 4.49 41.89 893.00 13.38 13.00 10/05 15:00 0.00 459.85 519225 412.90 11049 21750 81.88 205.80 5.78 42.01 836.00 13.39 13.00 10/05 16:00 0.00 459.85 519225 413.22 11049 22100 83.62 189.00 3.88 39.99 710.00 13.40 13.00 10/05 17:00 0.00 459.90 521380 413.18 14763 21900 84.83 181.90 3.54 37.48 507.00 13.40 13.00 10/05 18:00 0.00 459.85 519225 413.19 14763 22100 84.40 183.50 1.98 35.10 267.00 13.40 13.00 10/05 19:00 0.00 459.85 519225 413.18 17367 14400 78.15 238.60 1.40 43.41 41.00 13.40 13.00 10/05 20:00 0.00 459.82 517932 412.58 10739 14450 75.83 262.40 1.86 52.32 1.00 13.42 13.00 10/05 21:00 0.00 459.86 519656 412.49 12838 6210 72.54 258.40 0.01 56.78 0.00 13.39 13.00 10/05 22:00 0.00 459.86 519656 411.86 10216 6210 71.31 253.40 0.69 61.97 0.00 13.39 13.00 10/05 23:00 0.00 459.87 520087 411.55 13321 6210 71.22 295.90 0.88 66.25 0.00 13.42 13.00