KERO2: Robert S. Kerr Lock & Dam & Reservoir (L&D 15)

Data processed at Sat 20Aug2022 04:25

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SHEF ID:       KERO2     RS Kerr LD15
Navigation Pool:  Bottom =   458.00, Top =   460.00

                   in        ft     ac-ft        ft       cfs       cfs         F       deg       mph         %      W/m2      volt      volt
              Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev  Rev-Regi  Rev-Regi   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev
08/19 00:00      0.00    459.84    518794    411.93      2840        37     72.88    353.80      0.65     96.73      0.00     13.39     13.00
08/19 01:00      0.00    459.79    516639    412.31      2642         0     72.43     19.90      2.26    100.26      0.00     13.39     13.00
08/19 02:00      0.00    459.82    517932    412.20      5262         0     72.10      8.80      2.24    100.26      0.00     13.39     13.00
08/19 03:00      0.00    459.82    517932    412.12      5285         0     71.56     16.80      1.18    100.27      0.00     13.42     13.00
08/19 04:00      0.00    459.86    519656    412.74      5285         0     71.02     19.30      0.87    100.21      0.00     13.39     13.00
08/19 05:00      0.00    459.88    520518    412.11      5285         0     69.91     44.90      2.12    100.21      0.00     13.38     13.00
08/19 06:00      0.00    459.87    520087    412.28      7067         0     69.26     46.80      2.95    100.27      0.00     13.39     13.00
08/19 07:00      0.00    459.87    520087    412.16      3699         0     68.16     59.00      4.74    100.21      3.00     13.42     13.00
08/19 08:00      0.00    459.89    520949    412.19      2057         0     69.58     51.40      4.41    100.09     93.00     13.42     13.00
08/19 09:00      0.00    459.88    520518    412.46      2057     12000     72.10     47.00      5.38    100.20    305.00     13.42     13.00
08/19 10:00      0.00    459.87    520087    412.97      6589     15400     76.15     47.60      4.33     91.27    531.00     13.39     13.00
08/19 11:00      0.00    459.84    518794    412.71      5248     15400     79.90     45.20      3.64     82.86    728.00     13.42     13.00
08/19 12:00      0.00    459.86    519656    413.02      5543     15600     82.98    215.10      0.56     71.74    841.00     13.39     13.00
08/19 13:00      0.00    459.81    517501    412.87      5796     15650     85.84    253.70      1.61     67.10    748.00     13.39     13.00
08/19 14:00      0.00    459.81    517501    412.83      6189     15400     86.83     24.10      1.31     59.96    917.00     13.39     13.00
08/19 15:00      0.00    459.73    514053    412.85      8780     15250     88.81     11.80      0.55     53.67    786.00     13.40     13.00
08/19 16:00      0.00    459.76    515346    412.81     11913     15400     88.38     17.50      0.92     52.03    938.00     13.39     13.00
08/19 17:00      0.00    459.81    517501    412.85     16815     15600     89.67     19.40      2.91     49.76    680.00     13.39     13.00
08/19 18:00      0.00    459.82    517932    412.77     16422     15400     89.47     36.60      2.49     50.13    436.00     13.40     13.00
08/19 19:00      0.00    459.85    519225    412.75     16029      7500     87.26     41.30      1.68     55.44    258.00     13.39     13.00
08/19 20:00      0.00    459.82    517932    412.17      8906      7900     84.72     41.40      2.53     60.50     93.00     13.39     13.00
08/19 21:00      0.00    459.80    517070    412.56      5332      7900     80.35     22.40      1.19     68.87      1.00     13.40     13.00
08/19 22:00      0.00    459.76    515346    412.32         0      7900     79.47     27.10      1.20     71.01      0.00     13.39     13.00
08/19 23:00      0.00    459.76    515346    411.93         0      7900     78.28     97.90      0.33     75.05      0.00     13.39     13.00