KERO2: Robert S. Kerr Lock & Dam & Reservoir (L&D 15)

Data processed at Wed 19Jan2022 02:28

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SHEF ID:       KERO2     RS Kerr LD15
Navigation Pool:  Bottom =   458.00, Top =   460.00

                   in        ft     ac-ft        ft       cfs       cfs         F       deg       mph         %      W/m2      volt      volt
              Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev  Rev-Regi  Rev-Regi   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev
01/18 00:00      0.00    459.66    511036    411.96      4890       222     36.97     43.50      1.40     87.89      0.00     13.39     13.07
01/18 01:00      0.00    459.65    510605    412.05      4179         0     36.28     39.50      1.71     91.49      1.00     13.36     13.07
01/18 02:00      0.00    459.64    510174    412.09      2158         0     37.83      7.30      2.38     84.29      1.00     13.36     13.00
01/18 03:00      0.00    459.63    509743    411.99         0         0     37.51      5.50      2.33     86.43      1.00     13.37     13.00
01/18 04:00      0.00    459.62    509312    412.12         0         0     35.98      5.30      2.28     90.70      0.00     13.37     13.07
01/18 05:00      0.00    459.61    508881    412.25         0      6500     35.31      9.00      2.26     93.33      1.00     13.39     13.07
01/18 06:00      0.00    459.50    504140    412.92      2745     22000     35.64     12.90      2.49     92.96      0.00     13.36     13.07
01/18 07:00      0.00    459.54    505864    413.39      8000     22400     35.20     22.60      2.12     92.96      0.00     13.37     13.00
01/18 08:00      0.00    459.54    505864    413.32      8000      6380     35.64      9.70      2.66     92.35     14.00     13.36     13.07
01/18 09:00      0.00    459.61    508881    411.97      8000         0     39.49     12.70      2.50     85.70    137.00     13.36     13.07
01/18 10:00      0.00    459.65    510605    411.65      8000         0     45.10     19.80      1.99     71.10    352.00     13.36     13.07
01/18 11:00      0.00    459.61    508881    412.29     12272         0     50.27     24.00      2.32     65.78    375.00     13.37     13.07
01/18 12:00      0.00    459.61    508881    411.84      7016         0     59.38    157.40      3.18     57.10    544.00     13.37     13.00
01/18 13:00      0.00    459.70    512760    412.17      7016         0     61.03    161.50      6.27     53.69    439.00     13.37     13.07
01/18 14:00      0.00    459.66    511036    412.00      8757         0     58.95    167.20     10.84     60.52    360.00     13.36     13.07
01/18 15:00      0.00    459.65    510605    411.99      8757         0     61.47    168.20      8.66     58.75    382.00     13.37     13.07
01/18 16:00      0.00    459.67    511467    412.08      4353         0     61.25    161.40      5.38     59.48    215.00     13.37     13.07
01/18 17:00      0.00    459.67    511467    411.96      6965         0     60.26     98.10      3.97     63.28     68.00     13.37     13.07
01/18 18:00      0.00    459.70    512760    412.07     11318         0     57.72     47.80      1.36     71.21     13.00     13.39     13.07
01/18 19:00      0.00    459.73    514053    411.98     12189         0     55.74     60.90      2.08     73.53      0.00     13.37     13.07
01/18 20:00      0.00    459.78    516208    412.04     18283         0     52.02     49.00      1.38     82.88      0.00     13.36     13.00
01/18 21:00      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----
01/18 22:00      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----
01/18 23:00      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----      ----