HDGA4: War Eagle Creek At Hindsville, AR

                                SHEF ID:       HDGA4     War Eagle Crk nr Hindsville,AR

ft cfs F umho/cm volt
Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev
03/30 00:00 2.27 382 56.57 ---- 12.01
03/30 01:00 2.27 382 56.52 ---- 12.00
03/30 02:00 2.25 376 56.48 ---- 11.99
03/30 03:00 2.24 373 56.43 ---- 11.98
03/30 04:00 2.23 370 56.34 ---- 11.97
03/30 05:00 2.22 368 56.25 ---- 11.95
03/30 06:00 2.21 365 56.12 ---- 11.94
03/30 07:00 2.20 362 56.03 ---- 11.93
03/30 08:00 2.20 362 55.96 ---- 11.91
03/30 09:00 2.19 359 56.12 ---- 11.91
03/30 10:00 2.18 357 56.43 ---- 11.98
03/30 11:00 2.17 354 56.75 ---- 12.01
03/30 12:00 2.16 351 57.25 ---- 11.96
03/30 13:00 2.15 348 57.70 ---- 12.01
03/30 14:00 2.14 346 58.06 ---- 12.07
03/30 15:00 2.13 343 58.55 ---- 12.03
03/30 16:00 2.13 343 59.59 ---- 12.23
03/30 17:00 2.12 340 60.06 ---- 12.14
03/30 18:00 2.12 340 60.53 ---- 12.07
03/30 19:00 2.11 337 60.49 ---- 12.04
03/30 20:00 2.11 337 60.35 ---- 12.01
03/30 21:00 2.09 332 60.10 ---- 12.00
03/30 22:00 2.09 332 59.90 ---- 11.98
03/30 23:00 2.09 332 59.63 ---- 11.97
Data processed at Sun 31Mar2024 04:14 GMT

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Timeseries IDs (TSIDs)

TSIDs used from left to right in the data table
HIND.Volt-Battery Load.Inst.1Hour.0.Ccp-Rev


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