GSPO2: Great Salt Plains Lake

Data processed at Fri 21Jan2022 05:39

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SHEF ID:       GSPO2     Great Salt Plains Lake
Flood Pool:  Bottom =  1125.00, Top =  1138.50

                   in        ft     ac-ft       cfs       cfs         F       deg       mph         %      W/m2      volt
              Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev  Rev-Regi  Rev-Regi   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev
01/20 00:00      0.00   1125.27     29218       767        94     20.34     20.60     17.80     38.91      0.00     13.22
01/20 01:00      0.00   1125.14     27866      1251        94     19.92     18.80     17.30     40.10      0.00     13.24
01/20 02:00      0.00   1125.11     27554      2651        49     18.36     19.40     16.10     41.87      0.00     13.20
01/20 03:00      0.00   1125.18     28282      2642        60     17.01     14.10     11.70     44.20      0.00     13.21
01/20 04:00      0.00   1125.26     29114      2632       102     15.57     12.20     12.30     46.85      0.00     13.22
01/20 05:00      0.00   1125.24     28906      3449       120     15.06     18.20     10.50     47.08      0.00     13.22
01/20 06:00      0.00   1125.25     29010      2223       117     14.02     11.50     10.90     48.12      0.00     13.23
01/20 07:00      0.00   1125.29     29426      1203       132     13.41     11.70     10.00     50.34      0.00     13.23
01/20 08:00      0.00   1125.28     29322      1203       141     12.69     10.90      9.00     53.48      0.00     13.22
01/20 09:00      0.00   1125.30     29530      1224       144     11.82      9.70      9.40     54.84     34.20     13.21
01/20 10:00      0.00   1125.29     29426       427       147     12.88     14.50     11.90     50.93    202.30     13.21
01/20 11:00      0.00   1125.29     29426       627       144     14.67     32.10      9.30     42.44    337.10     13.21
01/20 12:00      0.00   1125.29     29426       263       144     16.99     10.10      6.60     38.72    524.00     13.21
01/20 13:00      0.00   1125.30     29530       286       147     18.70      6.60      6.50     35.31    641.30     13.22
01/20 14:00      0.00   1125.30     29530       265       150     20.59      4.60      6.10     31.39    648.50     13.22
01/20 15:00      0.00   1125.30     29530       267       150     23.02     20.80      5.80     28.56    553.50     13.22
01/20 16:00      0.00   1125.29     29426        66       147     24.48     26.10      6.00     26.68    399.70     13.21
01/20 17:00      0.00   1125.29     29426        67       144     24.91     25.50      6.10     25.90    207.30     13.22
01/20 18:00      0.00   1125.28     29322        68       141     23.20     53.50      4.70     26.79     23.00     13.23
01/20 19:00      0.00   1125.28     29322        90       138     19.99     77.70      2.80     29.59      0.00     13.22
01/20 20:00      0.00   1125.28     29322      1536       138     17.53     74.10      1.70     34.62      0.00     13.20
01/20 21:00      0.00   1125.28     29322      1558       138     16.61     72.20      2.60     36.16      0.00     13.22
01/20 22:00      0.00   1125.35     30051      4450       164     16.02     87.70      2.10     37.02      0.00     13.22
01/20 23:00      0.00   1125.35     30051      ----      ----     15.53     92.60      1.60     38.38      0.00     13.22