GIBO2: Ft Gibson Lake, OK

Data processed at Tue 14Feb2023 05:51 GMT

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SHEF ID:       GIBO2     Ft. Gibson Lake
Flood Pool:  Bottom =   554.00, Top =   582.00

                   in        ft     ac-ft        ft       cfs       cfs         F       deg       mph         %      W/m2      volt      volt
              Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev  Rev-Regi  Rev-Regi   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev
02/13 00:00      0.00    560.14    495960    493.69      2386     10144     51.89    144.00      5.00     45.84      0.00     13.21     12.82
02/13 01:00      0.00    560.15    496200    493.66      2386     10144     50.94    147.30      2.90     48.79      0.00     13.20     12.82
02/13 02:00      0.00    560.12    495480    493.69      2386     10144     49.32    146.90      2.70     53.64      0.00     13.20     12.82
02/13 03:00      0.00    560.10    495000    493.71      2386     10144     48.22    197.40      3.00     51.62      0.00     13.20     12.82
02/13 04:00      0.00    560.05    493800    493.67      1953     10144     46.85    316.50      3.70     49.84      0.00     13.20     12.83
02/13 05:00      0.00    560.00    492600    493.72      1717     10144     44.58    355.60      1.40     52.46      0.00     13.20     12.82
02/13 06:00      0.00    560.01    492840    493.69      1717     10144     42.46     11.70      1.70     58.90      0.00     13.20     12.81
02/13 07:00      0.00    559.99    492368    493.72      1717     10144     41.49      4.20      2.80     55.32      0.00     13.20     12.82
02/13 08:00      0.00    559.93    490976    493.66      1828     10144     40.03      2.10      2.30     58.73      0.50     13.21     12.81
02/13 09:00      0.00    559.87    489584    495.31       156     12651     40.82    343.90      2.00     60.09    146.40     14.35     12.82
02/13 10:00      0.00    559.82    488424    495.97       196     19838     45.48    341.60      1.10     54.25    353.40     14.29     12.88
02/13 11:00      0.00    559.75    486800    496.08       237     19982     48.09    282.20      0.60     55.32    463.20     13.21     12.88
02/13 12:00      0.00    559.69    485408    496.08       237     19958     49.23      8.20      1.10     54.45    564.50     13.21     12.94
02/13 13:00      0.00    559.61    483552    496.12       272     19933     52.39    328.00      0.90     48.74    589.00     13.21     12.86
02/13 14:00      0.00    559.51    481232    496.11       313     20032     57.07    324.90      1.00     39.50    512.10     13.21     12.85
02/13 15:00      0.00    559.45    479840    496.10       359     20003     60.37    147.00      1.80     34.53    411.00     13.21     12.84
02/13 16:00      0.00    559.42    479144    496.16       340     20148     62.38    149.00      1.80     31.67    318.30     13.20     12.84
02/13 17:00      0.00    559.32    476824    496.13       488     19963     61.66    146.90      1.60     31.55    119.90     13.21     12.83
02/13 18:00      0.00    559.25    475200    496.18      1170     20094     59.27    147.10      2.60     35.98     15.00     13.20     12.83
02/13 19:00      0.00    559.19    473808    496.18      1110     19908     57.56    162.40      3.60     37.61      0.00     13.20     12.83
02/13 20:00      0.00    559.18    473576    496.17      1023     19895     57.07    172.00      1.00     34.78      0.00     13.20     12.82
02/13 21:00      0.00    559.11    471952    496.16      1001     20205     56.93    158.30      3.50     36.24      0.00     13.20     12.83
02/13 22:00      0.00    559.00    469400    496.14       853     20010     57.45    162.90      5.40     37.66      0.00     13.20     12.82
02/13 23:00      0.00    558.91    467384    496.15        27     19810     57.90    160.90      4.90     39.66      0.00     13.20     12.82