GIBO2: Ft Gibson Lake, OK

Data processed at Sat 11Feb2023 05:51 GMT

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SHEF ID:       GIBO2     Ft. Gibson Lake
Flood Pool:  Bottom =   554.00, Top =   582.00

                   in        ft     ac-ft        ft       cfs       cfs         F       deg       mph         %      W/m2      volt      volt
              Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev  Rev-Regi  Rev-Regi   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev
02/10 00:00      0.00    557.80    442680    493.80     28326     10372     45.63    357.70      3.10     78.95      0.00     13.20     12.83
02/10 01:00      0.00    557.84    443544    493.83     19006     10372     44.51    358.20      4.10     75.84      0.00     13.20     12.82
02/10 02:00      0.00    557.80    442680    493.80     10759     10372     43.41    348.30      3.50     77.37      0.00     13.20     12.81
02/10 03:00      0.00    557.69    440304    493.81      8190     10372     41.56    344.70      4.40     79.33      0.00     13.20     12.81
02/10 04:00      0.00    557.71    440736    493.83      4095     10372     40.48    345.90      3.30     78.44      0.00     13.20     12.81
02/10 05:00      0.00    557.75    441600    493.77      4095     10372     40.10    349.90      2.70     79.10      0.00     13.20     12.80
02/10 06:00      0.00    557.71    440736    493.82      4095     10372     39.63    354.60      3.10     78.03      0.00     13.20     12.81
02/10 07:00      0.00    557.64    439224    493.79      8695     10372     38.93    352.00      3.40     79.63      0.00     13.20     12.81
02/10 08:00      0.00    557.62    438792    493.79     11240     10372     38.37    354.60      4.00     79.26      0.00     13.20     12.81
02/10 09:00      0.00    557.67    439872    493.79     20954     10372     38.25    348.50      3.50     78.29     12.20     13.21     12.81
02/10 10:00      0.00    557.76    441816    493.82     27106     10372     38.03      1.00      4.30     79.64     27.20     13.21     12.81
02/10 11:00      0.00    557.91    445056    493.77     32846     10372     37.87    339.70      3.20     81.54     27.90     13.20     12.80
02/10 12:00      0.00    557.99    446784    493.86     32463     10372     36.54    262.10      2.40     86.19     47.60     13.20     12.82
02/10 13:00      0.00    558.06    448344    493.78     28941     10206     36.41    351.10      3.30     82.69     66.50     13.21     12.80
02/10 14:00      0.00    558.10    449240    493.81     19702     10528     37.53    219.20      2.00     80.41     81.70     13.21     12.82
02/10 15:00      0.00    558.12    449688    493.83     13551     10372     38.03    293.00      2.60     77.68     89.70     13.21     12.80
02/10 16:00      0.00    558.09    449016    493.81      7811     10528     38.17    344.40      2.90     76.77     61.40     13.21     12.80
02/10 17:00      0.00    558.02    447448    493.86      6294     10528     38.30    359.90      3.10     76.33     30.30     13.20     12.81
02/10 18:00      0.00    558.01    447224    493.81     11817      9874     37.85    359.30      3.50     78.05      0.10     13.20     12.82
02/10 19:00      0.00    558.06    448344    493.81     17703         0     37.36    353.40      3.70     78.63      0.00     13.20     12.81
02/10 20:00      0.00    558.22    451928    493.82     24635         0     37.00      5.40      4.10     78.98      0.00     13.20     12.80
02/10 21:00      0.00    558.30    453720    493.79     31566     10240     36.93     54.40      1.30     79.78      0.00     13.21     12.80
02/10 22:00      0.00    558.39    455736    493.81     35797     10390     35.20      2.60      0.20     85.89      0.00     13.20     12.80
02/10 23:00      0.00    558.48    457752    493.77     34086     10390     33.94     14.00      1.00     88.04      0.00     13.20     12.80