FRNK1: Fall River, Fredonia, KS

Data processed at Mon 16May2022 04:17

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Regulating: Stage =    15.50, Flow =     7676

               PRECIP     STAGE  RIV-FLOW  BAT-LOAD
                   in        ft       cfs      volt
              Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev   Ccp-Rev
05/15 00:00      0.00     11.10      4305     12.77
05/15 01:00      0.00     11.11      4312     12.77
05/15 02:00      0.00     11.10      4305     12.71
05/15 03:00      0.00     11.09      4297     12.71
05/15 04:00      0.00     11.08      4290     12.71
05/15 05:00      0.00     11.09      4297     12.71
05/15 06:00      0.00     11.08      4290     12.71
05/15 07:00      0.00     11.06      4276     12.65
05/15 08:00      0.00     11.06      4276     12.83
05/15 09:00      0.00     11.06      4276     12.71
05/15 10:00      0.00     11.06      4276     12.89
05/15 11:00      0.06     11.06      4276     12.71
05/15 12:00      0.07     11.05      4269     12.65
05/15 13:00      0.09     11.06      4276     12.83
05/15 14:00      0.00     11.03      4255     13.30
05/15 15:00      0.01     11.03      4255     13.18
05/15 16:00      0.00     11.03      4255     13.53
05/15 17:00      0.00     11.02      4248     13.36
05/15 18:00      0.00     11.02      4248     13.48
05/15 19:00      0.00     11.02      4248     13.36
05/15 20:00      0.00     11.02      4248     13.07
05/15 21:00      0.00     11.01      4241     12.89
05/15 22:00      0.00     11.03      4255     12.89
05/15 23:00      ----      ----      ----      ----