TRLK1: Toronto Lake

                                SHEF ID:       TRLK1     Toronto Lake
Flood Pool: Bottom = 901.50, Top = 931.00

in ft ac-ft cfs cfs F deg mph % W/m2 volt volt
Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Rev-Regi Rev-Regi Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev
05/14 00:00 0.00 908.88 39251 431 2848 62.24 310.10 3.70 92.45 0.00 13.19 12.65
05/14 01:00 0.00 908.83 39075 412 2846 62.80 322.10 4.20 90.16 0.00 13.19 12.66
05/14 02:00 0.00 908.77 38864 416 2844 62.46 327.40 3.60 89.62 0.00 13.18 12.65
05/14 03:00 0.00 908.72 38688 420 2842 61.79 333.30 2.90 85.45 0.00 13.19 12.90
05/14 04:00 0.00 908.66 38476 437 2840 61.30 323.50 3.90 85.17 0.00 13.18 12.65
05/14 05:00 0.00 908.60 38265 400 2837 59.31 331.50 5.40 83.63 0.00 13.19 12.66
05/14 06:00 0.00 908.55 38089 275 2835 57.85 333.70 4.40 84.08 0.00 13.18 12.65
05/14 07:00 0.00 908.50 37912 445 2833 57.96 333.10 4.30 81.10 2.90 13.19 12.65
05/14 08:00 0.00 908.42 37631 442 2831 59.11 336.70 3.00 77.28 167.80 13.19 12.65
05/14 09:00 0.00 908.38 37490 352 2829 61.93 314.60 3.00 71.46 253.70 ---- ----
05/14 10:00 0.01 908.32 37278 349 2827 62.58 322.80 2.70 68.84 484.90 13.19 12.64
05/14 11:00 0.00 908.26 37067 346 2824 67.12 99.60 2.00 65.66 701.10 13.19 12.65
05/14 12:00 0.00 908.20 36856 169 2822 70.36 92.90 2.60 53.52 816.10 13.19 12.65
05/14 13:00 0.00 908.13 36609 321 2819 71.80 111.20 3.80 54.57 886.50 13.18 12.65
05/14 14:00 0.00 908.07 36398 316 2817 73.06 107.50 3.10 52.73 905.90 13.19 12.65
05/14 15:00 0.00 908.03 36257 432 2815 74.19 115.00 3.50 53.88 878.30 13.18 12.64
05/14 16:00 0.00 907.97 36045 423 2813 75.27 111.80 3.00 53.61 765.60 13.20 12.65
05/14 17:00 0.00 907.92 35869 499 2811 75.90 105.80 2.30 48.88 633.10 13.19 12.63
05/14 18:00 0.00 907.85 35623 295 2809 76.64 84.30 1.80 42.70 460.00 13.19 12.64
05/14 19:00 0.00 907.80 35447 372 2806 75.25 110.90 2.30 52.07 249.60 13.18 12.64
05/14 20:00 0.00 907.73 35200 291 2804 74.55 29.10 1.60 46.70 86.30 13.19 12.82
05/14 21:00 0.00 907.68 35024 414 2802 72.36 306.70 3.10 42.96 0.90 13.20 12.61
05/14 22:00 0.00 907.62 34813 256 2799 68.38 291.30 2.30 53.36 0.00 13.19 12.63
05/14 23:00 0.00 907.56 34601 ---- ---- 65.10 358.70 0.50 66.10 0.00 13.19 12.63
Data processed at Wed 15May2024 04:34 GMT

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Timeseries IDs (TSIDs)

TSIDs used from left to right in the data table
TORO.Flow-Res In.Ave.1Hour.1Hour.Rev-Regi-Computed
TORO.Flow-Res Out.Ave.1Hour.1Hour.Rev-Regi-Flowgroup
TORO.Volt-Battery Load.Inst.1Hour.0.Ccp-Rev


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