CPLO2: Copan Lake

                                SHEF ID:       CPLO2     Copan Lake
Flood Pool: Bottom = 710.00, Top = 732.00

in ft ac-ft cfs cfs F deg mph % W/m2 volt volt
Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Rev-Regi Rev-Regi Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev Ccp-Rev
05/15 00:00 0.00 713.39 51159 1034 3021 59.31 141.95 1.26 86.55 0.00 12.68 12.41
05/15 01:00 0.00 713.36 50996 1034 3019 57.81 138.83 0.89 90.75 0.00 12.66 12.41
05/15 02:00 0.00 713.33 50833 1030 3016 56.17 136.68 1.26 93.59 0.00 12.64 12.33
05/15 03:00 0.00 713.30 50669 1023 3013 55.11 154.51 1.08 97.07 0.00 12.61 12.33
05/15 04:00 0.00 713.27 50506 888 3010 55.96 114.29 0.44 96.76 0.00 12.58 12.33
05/15 05:00 0.00 713.24 50343 1003 3008 55.63 175.60 0.72 97.92 0.00 12.56 12.25
05/15 06:00 0.00 713.20 50126 870 3004 58.08 343.09 2.63 95.34 0.00 12.54 12.25
05/15 07:00 0.00 713.18 50017 672 3002 59.45 323.88 3.02 86.79 0.00 12.52 12.17
05/15 08:00 0.00 713.14 49799 479 2999 59.31 124.28 3.84 87.36 7.98 12.53 12.17
05/15 09:00 0.00 713.10 49582 407 2995 60.21 173.68 3.67 90.84 198.94 13.03 ----
05/15 10:00 0.00 713.08 49473 1288 2993 64.49 159.52 3.31 82.62 203.48 12.81 12.73
05/15 11:00 0.01 713.00 49038 1217 2986 63.68 145.47 8.43 82.07 2.20 12.64 12.49
05/15 12:00 0.00 713.05 49310 1211 2991 65.79 85.41 4.92 70.33 121.15 13.06 12.33
05/15 13:00 0.00 713.00 49038 1396 2986 70.00 83.04 3.65 65.66 530.36 13.52 12.73
05/15 14:00 0.00 712.95 48785 1690 2982 72.88 117.81 5.74 59.65 883.97 14.08 13.21
05/15 15:00 0.00 712.92 48633 574 2979 75.02 105.11 6.69 56.25 850.76 14.06 13.84
05/15 16:00 0.00 712.90 48531 764 2977 76.10 110.61 6.94 56.77 743.27 13.64 13.84
05/15 17:00 0.00 712.86 48329 851 2973 77.18 107.44 6.10 53.61 625.99 13.63 13.37
05/15 18:00 0.00 712.83 48177 957 2971 78.03 102.39 5.72 54.84 449.28 13.60 13.13
05/15 19:00 0.00 712.79 47974 662 2967 77.23 86.46 5.88 57.87 216.18 12.86 12.81
05/15 20:00 0.00 712.77 47873 575 2965 74.30 83.62 4.23 63.60 2.17 12.78 12.57
05/15 21:00 0.00 712.77 47873 384 2965 73.02 45.13 5.01 68.89 0.00 12.73 12.41
05/15 22:00 0.04 712.66 47316 297 2955 70.11 42.90 4.97 86.28 0.00 12.71 12.41
05/15 23:00 0.00 712.65 47265 ---- ---- 68.59 145.41 6.43 87.93 0.00 12.68 12.41
Data processed at Thu 16May2024 04:02 GMT

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Timeseries IDs (TSIDs)

TSIDs used from left to right in the data table
COPA.Flow-Res In.Ave.1Hour.1Hour.Rev-Regi-Computed
COPA.Flow-Res Out.Inst.1Hour.0.Rev-Regi-Flowgroup
COPA.Volt-Battery Load.Inst.1Hour.0.Ccp-Rev


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